
Working Hours
Mon-Fri 08:30-17:30
University of LUMSA (LUMSA) is an 80 years old university, highly ranked among Italian University, with over 9000 students (10% international). The number of administrative staff employed is 121. The number of full-time professors is 107 and the external professors (in charge or course or laboratories) are 291. In the last Ministerial Research Assessment (2018), LUMSA scored first in law and social sciences and was on the top for many other fields. University teaching is distributed across three departments: Law, Economics and Politics and Modern languages; Social Sciences - Communication, Education and Psychology; Law and Economics. LUMSA proposes a total of 19 degrees, B.A. and M.A degree programs among which law, business administration, economics, education, communication/marketing, and psychology. LUMSA awards Ph.D. degrees in social policy, law, psychology, education, and economics, classified as highly “innovative” by Italian Minister. In 2019, LUMSA launched the first Italian bachelor's degree in “Data Science”, classified as “professional” by Italian Minister; moreover, LUMSA proposes many post-graduate masters in many fields, and one on the impact of technology on Finance (Fintech). All training programs, including PhDs, are open to international students. LUMSA has 27 currently running projects funded by the EU, including H2020, COST, and Jean Monnet, KA1, KA107, KA103 projects. LUMSA coordinates an Italian COST group on retail tech (sharing & circular economy) and another on the impact of technology on ethics and privacy dimensions. LUMSA has a broad experience in the development of e-learning content, in particular MOOC contents. On this topic has participated in the E+ project ERASMUS KA203, ref. num. 2018-1-FR01-KA203-047829, Elene4life - Learning And Interacting To Foster Employability. LUMSA was involved as a coordinator or partner in the following EU projects or initiatives, related to the proposed theme:
- ERASMUS KA202, ref. num. 017-1-IT01-KA202-006108, Valuable Network Strategic Partnership
- ERASMUS KA204, ref. num. 2017-1-NO01-KA204-034182, Recap
- LIME, ref. num. AMIF-2017-AG-INTE-04, LIME - Labour Integration for Migrants Employment
- https://www.facebook.com/UniLUMSA/