Academic Publications
Academic Papers
It is crucial for teachers to possess the necessary qualifications to impart the skills required by the new generation of students. Rather than solely focusing on traditional teaching, the primary focus of the teaching profession should be to support students in becoming lifelong learners who love to learn and possess the ability to thrive. To achieve this, teachers need to be equipped with soft skills that can be integrated into their teaching processes. This need is prevalent worldwide, and it serves as the foundation of this project. The project's academic papers will undoubtedly enhance the project's scope and academic outputs. Led by DPU, the target group for this output includes individuals eager to learn about soft skills, social and emotional development, digitalization, teaching techniques, and those currently working or planning to work in related areas.
The innovative aspect of the project lies in the digitalization of the courses developed during the project. While internal training for primary school teachers in Europe is common, the detailed content, exercises, worksheets, videos, presentations, and assessment tools will be freely accessible online to anyone interested in soft skills. Additionally, the matters covered in academic papers within this project will contribute to its innovative character, as they have not been published in any journal before.
The expected impact of this output extends to researchers already studying this field and will undoubtedly inspire MA/PhD students due to the innovative development of the entire project. Moreover, the partners with expertise in the related area will benefit academically as they gain recognition in the international educational platform. The project is expected to be acknowledged as a best practice, and the training of trainers' activity will significantly benefit education faculties by enhancing the quality of teacher training.
Regarding transferability potential, academic papers may be produced in various languages, but every abstract will be translated into English and presented on the project website. This accessibility will enable people worldwide to freely access and utilize these papers as guidance for future studies. Furthermore, the focus on 21st-century skills, soft skills, and social and emotional development aligns with the themes of Erasmus+ projects. As the project gains approval and finalization with the help of all partners, it can complementarily contribute to future EU Projects on these subjects. The current project also has the potential to foster synergy between existing partners and possible collaborators for new studies and projects offered during project completion.
Akademik Makaleler
(TURKISH)Öğretmenlerin yeni nesil öğrencilere ihtiyaç duyduğu becerileri kazandırmak için gerekli niteliklere sahip olmaları büyük önem taşımaktadır. Öğretmenlik mesleğinin öncelikli odağı, yalnızca geleneksel öğretime odaklanmak yerine, öğrencilerin öğrenmeyi seven ve gelişme yeteneğine sahip, yaşam boyu öğrenen bireyler olmalarını desteklemek olmalıdır. Bunu başarmak için öğretmenlerin öğretim süreçlerine entegre edilebilecek sosyal becerilerle donatılmaları gerekmektedir. Bu ihtiyaç dünya çapında yaygın ve bu projenin temelini oluşturuyor. Projenin akademik makaleleri şüphesiz projenin kapsamını ve akademik çıktılarını artıracaktır. DPU öncülüğünde bu çıktının hedef kitlesi sosyal beceriler, sosyal ve duygusal gelişim, dijitalleşme, öğretim teknikleri hakkında bilgi edinmek isteyen bireyler ve ilgili alanlarda halihazırda çalışan veya çalışmayı planlayan bireylerden oluşuyor.
Projenin yenilikçi yönü ise proje süresince geliştirilen derslerin dijitalleştirilmesinde yatmaktadır. Avrupa'da ilkokul öğretmenleri için kurum içi eğitim yaygın olmakla birlikte, ayrıntılı içerik, alıştırmalar, çalışma sayfaları, videolar, sunumlar ve değerlendirme araçlarına sosyal becerilerle ilgilenen herkes çevrimiçi olarak ücretsiz olarak erişebilecek. Ayrıca bu proje kapsamındaki akademik makalelerde ele alınan konular, daha önce herhangi bir dergide yayınlanmamış olması nedeniyle projenin yenilikçi niteliğine katkı sağlayacaktır.
Bu çıktının beklenen etkisi halihazırda bu alanda çalışan araştırmacılara kadar uzanacak ve tüm projenin yenilikçi gelişimi nedeniyle şüphesiz yüksek lisans/doktora öğrencilerine ilham verecektir. Ayrıca ilgili alanda uzmanlığa sahip ortaklar, uluslararası eğitim platformunda tanınırlık kazandıkça akademik açıdan da fayda sağlayacaklardır. Projenin en iyi uygulama olarak kabul edilmesi bekleniyor ve eğiticilerin eğitimi faaliyeti, öğretmen eğitiminin kalitesini artırarak eğitim fakültelerine önemli ölçüde fayda sağlayacaktır.
Aktarılabilirlik potansiyeli göz önüne alındığında, çeşitli dillerde akademik makaleler üretilebilir, ancak her özet İngilizce'ye çevrilecek ve proje web sitesinde sunulacaktır. Bu erişilebilirlik, dünya çapındaki insanların bu makalelere özgürce erişmesini ve gelecekteki çalışmalara rehberlik etmesini sağlayacaktır. Ayrıca, 21. yüzyıl becerilerine, sosyal becerilere ve sosyal ve duygusal gelişime odaklanma, Erasmus+ projelerinin temalarıyla da uyumludur. Proje, tüm ortakların desteğiyle onaylanıp sonuçlandırıldıkça bu konularda gelecekte gerçekleştirilecek AB projelerine tamamlayıcı katkılarda bulunabilecektir. Mevcut proje ayrıca, projenin tamamlanması sırasında sunulan yeni çalışmalar ve projeler için mevcut ortaklar ve olası işbirlikçiler arasında sinerjiyi teşvik etme potansiyeline sahiptir.
ÖNEMLİ: Etik hususlar açısından, yayınlar burada yalnızca yayınlanan dillerde görüntülenebilir.
Documenti accademici
(ITALIAN)È fondamentale che gli insegnanti possiedano le qualifiche necessarie per trasmettere le competenze richieste dalla nuova generazione di studenti. Piuttosto che concentrarsi esclusivamente sull’insegnamento tradizionale, l’obiettivo principale della professione di insegnante dovrebbe essere quello di supportare gli studenti nel diventare studenti che amano apprendere e possiedono la capacità di prosperare. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, gli insegnanti devono essere dotati di competenze trasversali che possano essere integrate nei loro processi di insegnamento. Questa esigenza è prevalente in tutto il mondo e costituisce il fondamento di questo progetto. I documenti accademici del progetto miglioreranno senza dubbio la portata del progetto e i risultati accademici. Guidato da DPU, il gruppo target di questo risultato comprende persone desiderose di apprendere competenze trasversali, sviluppo sociale ed emotivo, digitalizzazione, tecniche di insegnamento e coloro che attualmente lavorano o intendono lavorare in aree correlate.
L'aspetto innovativo del progetto risiede nella digitalizzazione dei corsi sviluppati durante il progetto. Sebbene la formazione interna per gli insegnanti delle scuole primarie in Europa sia comune, i contenuti dettagliati, gli esercizi, i fogli di lavoro, i video, le presentazioni e gli strumenti di valutazione saranno liberamente accessibili online a chiunque sia interessato alle competenze trasversali. Inoltre, gli argomenti trattati negli articoli accademici nell'ambito di questo progetto contribuiranno al suo carattere innovativo, poiché non sono stati pubblicati prima in nessuna rivista.
L'impatto atteso di questo risultato si estende ai ricercatori che già studiano questo campo e ispirerà senza dubbio gli studenti di Master/PhD grazie allo sviluppo innovativo dell'intero progetto. Inoltre, i partner con esperienza nell’area correlata trarranno benefici a livello accademico poiché otterranno il riconoscimento nella piattaforma educativa internazionale. Si prevede che il progetto venga riconosciuto come una buona pratica e che l'attività di formazione dei formatori porterà notevoli benefici alle facoltà di istruzione migliorando la qualità della formazione degli insegnanti.
Per quanto riguarda il potenziale di trasferibilità, gli articoli accademici potranno essere prodotti in varie lingue, ma ogni abstract sarà tradotto in inglese e presentato sul sito web del progetto. Questa accessibilità consentirà alle persone di tutto il mondo di accedere liberamente e utilizzare questi documenti come guida per studi futuri. Inoltre, l’attenzione alle competenze del 21° secolo, alle competenze trasversali e allo sviluppo sociale ed emotivo è in linea con i temi dei progetti Erasmus+. Man mano che il progetto ottiene l’approvazione e la finalizzazione con l’aiuto di tutti i partner, può contribuire in modo complementare ai futuri progetti europei su questi argomenti. Il progetto attuale ha anche il potenziale per favorire la sinergia tra i partner esistenti e i possibili collaboratori per nuovi studi e progetti offerti durante il completamento del progetto.
ATTENZIONE: Per quanto riguarda considerazioni etiche, le pubblicazioni possono essere visualizzate qui solo nelle lingue pubblicate.
Papeles academicos
(SPANISH)Es crucial que los docentes posean las calificaciones necesarias para impartir las habilidades requeridas por la nueva generación de estudiantes. En lugar de centrarse únicamente en la enseñanza tradicional, el objetivo principal de la profesión docente debería ser apoyar a los estudiantes para que se conviertan en aprendices de por vida que amen aprender y posean la capacidad de prosperar. Para lograrlo, los docentes deben estar dotados de habilidades interpersonales que puedan integrarse en sus procesos de enseñanza. Esta necesidad prevalece en todo el mundo y sirve como base de este proyecto. Los artículos académicos del proyecto sin duda mejorarán el alcance y los resultados académicos del proyecto. Dirigido por DPU, el grupo objetivo de este producto incluye personas deseosas de aprender sobre habilidades sociales, desarrollo social y emocional, digitalización, técnicas de enseñanza y aquellos que actualmente trabajan o planean trabajar en áreas relacionadas.
El aspecto innovador del proyecto radica en la digitalización de los cursos desarrollados durante el proyecto. Si bien la formación interna para profesores de primaria en Europa es común, el contenido detallado, los ejercicios, las hojas de trabajo, los vídeos, las presentaciones y las herramientas de evaluación serán de libre acceso en línea para cualquier persona interesada en las habilidades interpersonales. Además, los temas cubiertos en los artículos académicos dentro de este proyecto contribuirán a su carácter innovador, ya que no han sido publicados antes en ninguna revista.
El impacto esperado de este resultado se extiende a los investigadores que ya estudian este campo y, sin duda, inspirará a los estudiantes de maestría y doctorado debido al desarrollo innovador de todo el proyecto. Además, los socios con experiencia en el área relacionada se beneficiarán académicamente a medida que obtengan reconocimiento en la plataforma educativa internacional. Se espera que el proyecto sea reconocido como una buena práctica, y la actividad de formación de formadores beneficiará significativamente a las facultades de educación al mejorar la calidad de la formación docente.
En cuanto al potencial de transferibilidad, los artículos académicos se pueden producir en varios idiomas, pero cada resumen se traducirá al inglés y se presentará en el sitio web del proyecto. Esta accesibilidad permitirá que personas de todo el mundo accedan y utilicen libremente estos artículos como guía para futuros estudios. Además, el enfoque en las habilidades, las habilidades interpersonales y el desarrollo social y emocional del siglo XXI se alinea con los temas de los proyectos Erasmus+. A medida que el proyecto obtenga aprobación y finalización con la ayuda de todos los socios, podrá contribuir de forma complementaria a futuros proyectos de la UE sobre estos temas. El proyecto actual también tiene el potencial de fomentar la sinergia entre los socios existentes y posibles colaboradores para nuevos estudios y proyectos ofrecidos durante la finalización del proyecto.
ATENCIÓN: En cuanto a consideraciones éticas, las publicaciones aquí sólo se pueden ver en los idiomas publicados.
Artykuły akademickie
(POLISH)Istotne jest, aby nauczyciele posiadali kwalifikacje niezbędne do przekazywania umiejętności wymaganych przez nowe pokolenie uczniów. Zamiast skupiać się wyłącznie na tradycyjnym nauczaniu, głównym celem zawodu nauczyciela powinno być wspieranie uczniów w stawaniu się uczniami przez całe życie, którzy kochają się uczyć i posiadają zdolność do rozwoju. Aby to osiągnąć, nauczyciele muszą być wyposażeni w umiejętności miękkie, które można włączyć do ich procesów nauczania. Potrzeba ta jest powszechna na całym świecie i stanowi podstawę tego projektu. Artykuły naukowe powstałe w ramach projektu niewątpliwie poszerzą zakres projektu i jego wyniki akademickie. Grupa docelowa tego produktu, prowadzona przez DPU, obejmuje osoby chcące dowiedzieć się o umiejętnościach miękkich, rozwoju społecznym i emocjonalnym, cyfryzacji, technikach nauczania oraz osoby obecnie pracujące lub planujące pracę w pokrewnych obszarach.
Innowacyjny aspekt projektu polega na digitalizacji kursów opracowanych w ramach projektu. Chociaż wewnętrzne szkolenia dla nauczycieli szkół podstawowych w Europie są powszechne, szczegółowe treści, ćwiczenia, arkusze ćwiczeń, filmy, prezentacje i narzędzia oceniania będą swobodnie dostępne w Internecie dla wszystkich zainteresowanych umiejętnościami miękkimi. Dodatkowo tematyka poruszana w artykułach naukowych projektu będzie stanowić o jego innowacyjności, gdyż nie była wcześniej publikowana w żadnym czasopiśmie.
Oczekiwany wpływ tego rezultatu rozciąga się na badaczy już studiujących tę dziedzinę i niewątpliwie zainspiruje studentów studiów magisterskich/doktoranckich ze względu na innowacyjny rozwój całego projektu. Co więcej, partnerzy posiadający wiedzę specjalistyczną w pokrewnym obszarze odniosą korzyści akademickie, zdobywając uznanie na międzynarodowej platformie edukacyjnej. Oczekuje się, że projekt zostanie uznany za dobrą praktykę, a szkolenie działalności trenerów przyniesie znaczące korzyści wydziałom pedagogicznym poprzez podniesienie jakości kształcenia nauczycieli.
Jeśli chodzi o potencjał przenoszenia, artykuły akademickie mogą być publikowane w różnych językach, ale każde streszczenie zostanie przetłumaczone na język angielski i zaprezentowane na stronie internetowej projektu. Ta dostępność umożliwi ludziom na całym świecie swobodny dostęp do tych dokumentów i wykorzystywanie ich jako wskazówek w przyszłych badaniach. Ponadto skupienie się na umiejętnościach XXI wieku, umiejętnościach miękkich oraz rozwoju społecznym i emocjonalnym jest zgodne z tematyką projektów Erasmus+. Gdy projekt uzyska akceptację i sfinalizowanie przy pomocy wszystkich partnerów, może stanowić uzupełniający wkład w przyszłe projekty UE dotyczące tych tematów. Obecny projekt ma również potencjał wspierania synergii pomiędzy istniejącymi partnerami i potencjalnymi współpracownikami w zakresie nowych badań i projektów oferowanych w trakcie realizacji projektu.
UWAGA: Ze względów etycznych publikacje można tu przeglądać wyłącznie w opublikowanych językach.
Akademski radovi
(CROATIAN)Presudno je da učitelji posjeduju potrebne kvalifikacije za prenošenje vještina potrebnih novoj generaciji učenika. Umjesto da se isključivo fokusira na tradicionalno poučavanje, primarni fokus nastavničke profesije trebao bi biti podrška učenicima da postanu cjeloživotni učenici koji vole učiti i posjeduju sposobnost napredovanja. Da bi se to postiglo, učitelji moraju biti opremljeni mekim vještinama koje se mogu integrirati u njihov nastavni proces. Ova potreba prevladava u cijelom svijetu i služi kao temelj ovog projekta. Akademski radovi projekta nedvojbeno će povećati opseg projekta i akademske rezultate. Pod vodstvom DPU-a, ciljna skupina za ovaj rezultat uključuje pojedince željne učenja o mekim vještinama, socijalnom i emocionalnom razvoju, digitalizaciji, tehnikama podučavanja te one koji trenutno rade ili planiraju raditi u srodnim područjima.
Inovativni aspekt projekta leži u digitalizaciji tečajeva razvijenih tijekom projekta. Dok je interna obuka za učitelje osnovnih škola u Europi uobičajena, detaljan sadržaj, vježbe, radni listovi, video zapisi, prezentacije i alati za ocjenjivanje bit će besplatno dostupni na internetu svima zainteresiranima za meke vještine. Dodatno, sadržaji koji se obrađuju u znanstvenim radovima u okviru ovog projekta pridonijet će njegovom inovativnom karakteru, budući da dosad nisu bili objavljeni ni u jednom časopisu.
Očekivani učinak ovog rezultata proteže se na istraživače koji već proučavaju ovo područje i nedvojbeno će inspirirati studente magistarskih/doktorskih studija zbog inovativnog razvoja cijelog projekta. Štoviše, partneri sa stručnim znanjem u srodnom području imat će akademsku korist budući da budu priznati na međunarodnoj obrazovnoj platformi. Očekuje se da će projekt biti prepoznat kao najbolja praksa, a djelatnost osposobljavanja trenera značajno će koristiti obrazovnim fakultetima unapređujući kvalitetu osposobljavanja nastavnika.
Što se tiče mogućnosti prenosivosti, akademski radovi mogu se izraditi na različitim jezicima, ali će svaki sažetak biti preveden na engleski i predstavljen na web stranici projekta. Ova dostupnost omogućit će ljudima širom svijeta slobodan pristup i korištenje ovih radova kao smjernice za buduće studije. Nadalje, fokus na vještine 21. stoljeća, meke vještine te društveni i emocionalni razvoj usklađen je s temama Erasmus+ projekata. Kako projekt dobije odobrenje i finalizira se uz pomoć svih partnera, može komplementarno doprinijeti budućim EU projektima na ove teme. Trenutačni projekt također ima potencijal za poticanje sinergije između postojećih partnera i mogućih suradnika za nove studije i projekte koji se nude tijekom završetka projekta.
PAŽNJA: Što se tiče etičkih razloga, publikacije se ovdje mogu vidjeti samo na objavljenim jezicima.
Academic Papers:
1)Miranda, Sergio; Vegliante, Rosa (2023). Improving students’ learning capabilities in educational attainment in primary schools. Preface by Maria CINQUE. In press… Pensa Multimedia Ed. Lecce (LE), Italy.
Even though the authors have jointly conceived this book, Sergio Miranda wrote the chapters 4 Cognitive overload, 5 How to provide reinforcements and their implications in the context of the classroom, 6 The importance of the teamwork with respect to individual learning and 7 The importance of independent learning with respect to the instructive guide of the teacher; Rosa Vegliante wrote the chapters 1 Theoretical premises, 2 The representation of cognitive processes and the types of knowledge underlying learning, 3 The role of the evaluation and the knowledge of its application procedures, and 8 Naivety or disavowal of scientific evidence on the inclusion.
Due to the ongoing publishing process, sharing the full text of the
book is currently not permitted. However, once the process is completed, an
informative link to access the content will be gladly provided.
2) De
Angelis, Marta; Miranda, Sergio (2023). A personalized feedback system to
support teacher training. Research on Education and Media (REM). Volume &
Issue: Volume 15 - Issue 1 (June 2023), pp.30-39. ISSN: 2037-083
paper aims to illustrate an automated system to support trainee teachers and
improve their convictions and beliefs about teaching and learning processes. It
is an expert system (Paviotti, Rossi & Zarka, 2012) that uses concrete
examples, cases and scenarios to guide the reasoning of the learner (Leake,
1996). In this regard, the results of using this system will be described with
the Effective Teaching Questionnaire in its third version (ETQ3).
emerges from this analysis that, regardless of the institution and the school
order, teachers’ beliefs on effective teaching are homogeneously concentrated
on specific dimensions. This reinforces the starting idea that teachers acquire
specific mindframes within which they structure their teaching attitudes and
which they hardly abandon over time. This tool, far from constituting an
assessment of teaching practices, demonstrates its usefulness in identifying
teachers’ mindframes at an early stage, so as to be able to implement more
specific and personalized training. This allows its application to be extended
to further training areas, as well as constituting an effective approach for
need analysis and a preparatory action for numerous training activities (guided
discussion with experts, observation on practice, modeling, etc.).
education; in-service teacher training; feedback; technology; teaching quality
3) Miranda, Sergio (2022). Orienting the attitudes of future teachers towards effective interventions: restructuring misconceptions and naïve didactic points of view. Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS). Vol.25 (2022).
research on the teaching effectiveness and on the behaviour of expert teachers
from an evidence based perspective allows today to envisage articulated
training models that can accompany students-aspirants or teachers themselves
from a preliminary theoretical moment of first familiarization with effective
models, to their operational use and up to an evaluation of the improvement
obtained on their pupils. A delicate point concerns the gap between the
preconceptions on teaching with respect to those of who can be considered
“expert teachers”. This work takes up previous studies related to the use of a
questionnaire, created to evaluate this gap, in order to reduce it by means of
feedbacks, before starting the trainee to practical applications to be conducted
in the laboratory or in the class. By proposing an iterative version of this
tool within university teaching courses, the work also focuses the concordances
common to the various applications carried out over the years, that highlight a
network of clichés and stereotypes rooted in the school culture, which
represents a restraining factor for the adoption of attitudes of greater
Teacher training; evidence based education; effective teaching; Effective
Teaching Questionnaire; ETQ.
4) Conference Proceeding
Sergio; Vegliante, Rosa; Montefusco, Carole (2022). Management of cognitive
overload in primary school La gestione del sovraccarico cognitivo nella scuola
primaria. In: Ricerca didattica e formazione insegnanti per lo sviluppo delle
Soft Skills. Lecce Pensa MultiMedia Vol.11, Pag.129-137. ISBN:9788867609857
When speaking of technologies in the
educational and didactic field, reference is often made to the development of
digital competences, thanks above all to the dissemination of practices and
reflections based on the European DigComp framework: but often aspects of use
that are more linked to ethical and socio-relational dimensions are left aside.
This contribution is part of a broader research project that involved 161
teachers and 1287 students from seven secondary schools in the Bologna area:
the aim was to investigate adolescents’ media practices and teachers’
perceptions of these practices, in an attempt to understand how they may
influence their identity development, their social relations with peers and
their digital well-being. The survey presented here focuses on teachers’ data
highlighting their perceptions of their students’ media practices, how these
have changed in the post-pandemic return to school, and how useful it is for
their professionalism to pay attention to the consequences in the socio-relational
sphere of a digital use increasingly intertwined with the development and
growth of their pupils. What emerges is a teaching staff concerned about the
relationship between young people and technology, and yet not completely open
to listening to and discussing these issues with their students.
Digital well-being, adolescents, media practices, teachers.
5) Conference Proceeing
Rosa; Miranda, Sergio; Santonicola, Mariagrazia (2022).
practical-operative declinations of assessment in primary school
declinazioni pratico-operative della valutazione nella scuola primaria.
Ricerca didattica e formazione insegnanti per lo sviluppo delle Soft Skills.
Lecce Pensa MultiMedia Vol.11, Pag.685-696 ISBN:9788867609857
reference to what is established in Agenda 2030 to promote the sustainable
development of the United Nations, it is necessary to focus on quality,
equitable and inclusive education, supported by highly professional and
specialized teachers. The challenge of the education system consists in
overcoming the gap between inside and outside the school from the perspective
of lifelong learning, in an adequately structured training course. The
international project Digitally Improving Social and Emotional Skills of
Primary School Teachers (DiGiSEL) fits into this scenario, financed by ERASMUS
+ funds (KA226) and conceived in collaboration with partners from Turkey
(Dumlupinar Kütahya University), Poland (WSB University, Poznan), Spain (M&M
Profuture, Barcelona), Croatia (Zagreb University) and Italy (University of
Salerno and Lumsa of Rome). The objective is to focus attention on the training
of primary school teachers in a digitally mediated context. In this regard, the
first step involved the identification of training needs in a convenience
sample made up of 500 units including primary teacher education students and
in-service teachers, through the administration of ad hoc questionnaires, using
the COFACTOR system. From the analysis of the responses, critical issues and
naive beliefs emerge regarding teaching expertise, especially the role assumed
by the assessment and its practical-operational aspects. Taking these aspects
into account, we intend to design online courses using an innovative approach
supported by dynamic concept maps.
teacher training; Primary School; needs analysis; formative evaluation.
6) Zagrean, Ioana; Ferdinandi, Maria Pia; Cinque Maria (2023). New paths to enlighten passion for education in challenging times: DigiSEL and creative education. Horizons of Education (in submission).
Due to the ongoing publishing process, sharing the full text of the
article is currently not permitted. However, once the process is completed, an
informative link to access the content will be gladly provided.
research objective of this article is to examine teachers’ attitude towards
socio-emotional learning (SEL) and digital technology in the post-pandemic
period. In challenging times, it's crucial to find new paths to lighten the
passion for education and ensure that learning continues. The DigiSEL project
was intended to combine the power of digital tools and social-emotional
learning (SEL) to support students' emotional well-being and academic success.
The DigiSEL project was aimed at improving the skills of primary school
teachers in social and emotional learning within digital environments through
the development of different courses. Preliminary to the development of the
courses, all the partner countries carried out qualitative and quantitative
analysis of the needs of the target group (in-service and pre-service
teachers). We present the results of the needs analysis carried out by the
Italian team, through a Focus Group (to investigate broadly on teachers’
attitudes and experiences with digital teaching and socio-emotional learning)
and a survey on creativity (aimed at enquiring about teachers’ opinions of
creativity and on how to develop creativity skills in their students). The results
of the focus group conducted by the Italian team have revealed a pathway for
identifying innovative solutions to face different difficult situations in
education. The findings were highly intriguing. Specifically, participants
initially experienced frustration but underwent a rewarding and transformative
shift once they became proficient in managing the technology. Additionally,
they recognized a significant opportunity through online courses, which not
only motivated them as educators but also provided innovative solutions to
assist their students, that had to face different problems. They identified
obstacles such as lack of concentration, immobility, and difficulties in
expressing emotions. Nevertheless, this report has demonstrated that despite
these new challenges, the project is highly beneficial, aiding educators in
performing their roles more effectively and preserving their passion for
previous European research conducted by Cachia & Ferra in 2010, that
inspired us for our module, the results showed that teachers think that
creativity is a fundamental skill to be developed in schools. Moreover, ICT can
be used to foster creativity and improve teaching. This research and our
results provide some understanding of how creativity is interpreted and
practiced by teachers. The project provided a novel approach to invigorate
enthusiasm in education. The preliminary analysis made in the partner countries
of the DigiSEL Project showed the need of getting advanced training on the
technical, social, and emotional development of skills along with digital
teaching techniques. Indeed, teachers with high literacy of social and
emotional skills and equipped with digital components are more likely to be
able to raise the students both socially, emotionally, and digitally. Those
findings require a transformation in learning & teaching processes in
online classes. As the development of soft and digital skills interrelate with
social and emotional learning, it's crucial to upskill sets of cognitive, affective,
and behavioral competencies as well as digital ones so that they can adapt to
the rapid transformations which are essential in the 21st century. To navigate
these challenging times without losing passion for education, creativity
emerges as a vital pathway. Creativity brings forth positive outcomes for
communities, emphasizing the ethical and relational aspects of creative action.
in education; creativity; social, emotional learning (SEL) in school; digital
teaching techniques; focus group.
7) Larriba, Marc; Narlu, Gülşah; Moreno, Monica (2023). Primary school teachers’ approach to socio-emotional skills in virtual education settings: Can we teach socio-emotional skills virtually?. Aula Abierta (In revision).
Due to the ongoing publishing process, sharing the full text of the
article is currently not permitted. However, once the process is completed, an
informative link to access the content will be gladly provided.
current digital transformations in education have required teachers to possess
a complex set of abilities, become more adept at digitalized education, and
concentrate more on their own virtual socio-emotional skills to help students
become socio-emotionally and digitally competent. This qualitative study conducted
as a part of Erasmus+ project DigiSEL (Digitally Enhancing Social and Emotional
Skills of Primary School Teachers), with project number
2020-1-TR01-KA226-SCH-098576, aims to gather information on primary school
teachers' experiences with technology and social-emotional components of
education during the pandemic through a focus group study. Answering a
three-part questionnaire with open-ended and semi-structured interview
questions, participants were asked to discuss their approach to digital education;
mention their experiences and thoughts on managing the classroom, addressing
emotional and social aspects in the classroom, employing online methods, and
providing formative feedback; describe social-emotional learning and express
their views on whether it can be taught virtually. Tape-based and thematic
analyses were employed to analyze the data. It was revealed that primary school
teachers encountered several problems during the conversion to online
education, including the hurdles of digital technology adaptation, lack of
providing quality feedback, constraints of online learning for teaching
abstract concepts, health problems as a consequences of the excessive screen
usage, and lack of emotional and social relationships in online classes. The
study adds that the absence of teacher scaffolding and role modeling in online
classes may also pose challenges to the growth of critical and creative
thinking abilities. The study also highlights the value of parent-teacher
collaboration and understanding the importance of social-emotional learning
(SEL) in remote learning. The study concludes that SEL is important for
fostering students’ emotional and social development in virtual environments,
and further research is required in this area.
social-emotional learning (SEL), online education, virtual skills, primary
school teachers
8) Karaferye, F. (2022). Digital teaching and learning: Exploring primary school teachers’ approaches, sources of concern & expectations. Journal of Educational Technology & Online Learning, 5(4), 808-824.
the use of digital technologies in education, the COVID19 pandemic acted as a
catalyst for rethinking educational policies. With the shift to emergency
remote teaching, schools experienced a paradigm shift in delivering education.
School leaders and teachers found themselves in the necessity of quick
adaptation to various new modes, from using digital/online platforms to
responding to the needs and expectations of their students. The experience led
to contingency plans in the process and shed some light on the futureoriented
plans and scenarios in education, which accelerated the use of digital
technologies in education. In parallel with those, professional development
courses and support provided for teachers have grown in number, variety, and
extent. In this regard, the current study aims to examine primary school
teachers’ approaches to digital teaching & learning, their sources of
concern, and their expectations from effective professional development courses
based on their remote/digital teaching experiences. A focus group, a
qualitative research method, was used in the study with a sample of primary school
teachers. The findings were revealed under four themes: Transition to digital
teaching & learning; obstacles of the digital environment as a
teacher/learner; opportunities of the digital environment as a teacher/learner;
expectations from PD opportunities.
Digital teaching, Digital learning, Teacher approaches, Future-oriented, Professional
9) Karaferye, Figen. “Professional Development for Digital Teaching: Exploring Primary School Teachers' Approaches, Sources of Concern & Expectations”. Paper presented in the 2nd International Conference on Educational Technology and Online Learning and published in ICETOL 2022 Abstract Proceedings, 23-26th of June, 2022 / Ören, Burhaniye Balikesir (Türkiye)
the quick shift into digital teaching & learning processes due to COVID-19
pandemic worldwide, schools experienced a paradigm shift in delivering
education. School leaders and teachers found themselves in the necessity of
quick adaptation to various new ways in delivery, from using the digital/online
platforms & tools to understanding and responding to the needs &
expectations of their students in such an environment. This worldwide pandemic experience
led to contingency plans in the process and shed some light onto the
futureoriented plans & scenarios in education, which accelerated the use of
digital technologies in education even after the pandemic. Moreover, in
parallel with those, professional development courses, support and tools
provided for teachers and school leaders have grown in number, variety, and
extent. in this regard, the current study aims to examine primary school
teachers’ approaches to digital teaching & learning, their sources of
concern and their expectations from effective professional development courses
based on their remote/digital teaching experiences. Focus group, a qualitative
research method, was used in the study. The initial findings include that the
transition to remote teaching was very tough, and they had to deal with many
difficulties/challenges in the process. They needed to learn new things quickly,
however, most of the things they managed to learn were on the job. Moreover,
they reached some of the professional development courses they needed rather
late because they had already somehow managed things for/in their classes -
together with experiencing the difficulty. for that reason, their expectations
from future courses include courses with readyto-use materials or the
strategies/tools easy-to-transfer into class and easy to reach when needed.
This study is prepared as part of the Erasmus+ Project DigiSEL - Digitally
Improving Social and Emotional Skills of Primary School Teachers Project, with
the Project number 2020- 1-TR01-KA226-SCH-098576.
Teachers, primary schools, professional development, digital teaching
Proceedings Book:
10) Barwicka, Agnieszka M. “Projekt międzynarodowy: „Digitally Improving Social and Emotional Skills of Primary School Teachers (DigiSEL)” dla nauczycieli edukacji wczesnoszkolnej”. Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji (Issues in Early Education) (in revision) 2023/1
problems of the 21st century contributed to the creation of the project in
cooperation with Italians, Spaniards, Turks, Croats and Poles. The Erasmus+
international project "Digitally Improving Social and Emotional Skills of
Primary School Teachers (DigiSEL)" offers
digital training and online teaching methods for primary school teachers in
Europe with a focus on SEL. With a new generation of students growing up fast
and learning differently than others, teachers need to digitally educate
themselves to meet their needs and engage their attention in class and e-classes.
The project was created to support teachers in building e-relationships using
ICT. The author collected information about the project and pointed out
practical solutions in social-emotional learning.
ICT, SEL, e-relationships, school, project
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article is currently not permitted. However, once the process is completed, an
informative link to access the content will be gladly provided.
The research on classroom management in general
is numerous, yet the connection between digitization, classroom management, and
social and emotional learning has been understudied. The current study explored
how primary school teachers managed their digital classrooms while
incorporating social and emotional learning into their classroom management
practices in the remote teaching period. The study not only examined the
classroom management strategies and procedures employed but also investigated
teachers’ beliefs and perceptions about managing digital classrooms. The study
was carried out with 145 primary school teachers teaching in school grades the
1st-4th from five different public schools by adopting stratified random
sampling. The data were collected via written responses of the participants
with the closed, fixed-response, and standardized open-ended forms developed by
the researcher. Descriptive analysis and content analysis were used in the
analysis of quantitative and qualitative data respectively. The findings
revealed that the majority of teachers led online classroom management
processes similar to their face-to-face experiences but were less effective
concerning the developmental needs of each student in the digital classroom.
Furthermore, the study yielded insight into the stress factors and protective
factors within the context of classroom management incorporating SEL, and it
provided direction for future implementations concerning teachers’ professional
learning needs and expectations.
Keywords: Classroom Management, Digital/Online
Classroom Management, Social and Emotional Learning, Stress Factors, Protective
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article is currently not permitted. However, once the process is completed, an
informative link to access the content will be gladly provided.