

Intellectual Output 7 is completed! 01.08.2023 15:04:39

Intellectual Output 7 is completed!

Academic Publications   It is crucial for teachers to possess the necessary qualifications to impart the skills required by the new generation of students. Rather than solely focusing on tr...



DigiSEL International Workshop was organized on 24-26 April 2023 in Kutahya, Turkiye. To the event many participants from many different countries and academic staff of Kutahya Dumlupinar University a...

26.07.2023 21:44:02
Last TPM of Digisel Project was organized in Turkey 26.07.2023 21:34:33

Last TPM of Digisel Project was organized in Turkey

Last Transnational Project Meeting of Digisel Project was organized on 24-26 April 2023 in Kutahya, Turkey. At the meeting, all produced results were evaluated for the last time and final steps were d...


Multiplier Event by M&M Profuture Training S.L.

A Multiplier Event was organized by M&M Profuture Training S.L. In the event, several activities related to Digisel Project were organized. In the event, outputs of the project were...

01.08.2023 13:46:52
2nd Multiplier Event by LUMSA 27.07.2023 22:02:23

2nd Multiplier Event by LUMSA

Second multiplier event was organized by Lumsa on 27 April 2023. In the event, project results were presented in detail and activities were organized.


Intellectual Output 6 is completed!

Developing innovative digital versions of the courses The output is on the approach proposed for developing a specific e-learning solution tailored to different educational contexts. It emphasi...

01.08.2023 15:02:56
DigiSel Project was presented to Teachers by LUMSA in Multiplier Event 27.07.2023 21:37:34

DigiSel Project was presented to Teachers by LUMSA in Multiplier Event

DigiSel Project was presented to Primary School Teachers by LUMSA on 20 April 2023. In th event, project results were presented and online platform were suggested to the participants. More than 25 par...


Dissemination Activities by WSB University in Poznan - January 2023

Related to DigiSel Project, a small scale event was organized by WSB University in Poznan on 28 January 2023. 28 participants (teachers and English lectors from different part of Poland...

27.07.2023 13:44:11
2 Different Multiplier Events by UNISA 27.07.2023 15:09:28

2 Different Multiplier Events by UNISA

In March 2023, 2 different Multiplier Events were organized by UNISA. The events were organized in "ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO STATALE "MONTEMILETTO" di Montemiletto - Venticano" and &qu...

26.07.2023 14:02:52
Intellectual Output 5 is completed! 01.08.2023 15:00:14

Intellectual Output 5 is completed!

Online methods and tools in primary school teaching with the use of SEL The output is on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education and the need for effective online learning. A survey re...


Digisel Project Dissemination to Teachers By WSB!

Place:  MasterMind- przestrzen M&A, Sikorskiego 18/10, 61-535 Poznan Date: 04.05 2023 Participants: 20 primary school teachers from Poznan Program description/activities: Pres...

27.07.2023 14:50:53
Presentation of DIGISEL Project by LUMSA in international T.E.A.M.I Event 27.07.2023 21:12:31

Presentation of DIGISEL Project by LUMSA in international T.E.A.M.I Event

Presentation of DIGISEL Project by Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta (LUMSA) in international T.E.A.M.I Event on 25 May 2022. The event was organized online and in the event DigiS...


3rd TPM of Digisel Project was organized in Italy

3rd Transnational Project Meeting of Digisel Project was organized on 19-20 December 2022 in Salerno, Italy. University of Salerno was the host organization. In the meeting the process related to...

26.07.2023 21:23:13
Presentation of Digisel Project by WSB University in Poznan in Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan 27.07.2023 13:48:37

Presentation of Digisel Project by WSB University in Poznan in Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan

Information about the DigiSEL project presented in PowerPoint presentation by Agnieszka’s Barwicka during the courses “Psychological and pedagogical counselling” and &ldquo...


Intellectual Output 4 is completed!

Developing creative thinking and problem solving skills This output aims to foster students' digital problem-solving skills through innovative teaching methodologies. It will develop a Teac...

01.08.2023 14:57:55
Dissemination and Multiplier Event by UNISA 27.07.2023 14:55:49

Dissemination and Multiplier Event by UNISA

On 8 June 2022, A dissemination and multiplier event was organized by UNISA in ITALY. In the event Digisel Project was presented within the context of Innovative technologies to improve e-learnin...

26.07.2023 13:58:12
Presentation of Digisel project at the Higher Colleges of Technology in the United Arab Emirates 26.07.2023 22:29:30

Presentation of Digisel project at the Higher Colleges of Technology in the United Arab Emirates

The project Digisel is presented to employees of the Higher Colleges of Technology and participants of the ASET conference. The team members Ivana Salopek Čubrić and Goran Čubrić delivered leaflet...


DigiSel Project is in National Media!

In the news, the visit of DigiSel Project Researchers to Kütahya Provincial Directorate of the Ministry of National Education was mentioned. To see the news please visit: https://www...

27.07.2023 13:16:22
Multiplier Events and Piloting by Kütahya Provincial Directorate of the Ministry of National Education 27.07.2023 12:41:06

Multiplier Events and Piloting by Kütahya Provincial Directorate of the Ministry of National Educat...

The first multiplier event was held on 8th December 2022 with participation of 37 teachers from different schools. In this event the project was introduced.  The second multiplier event was he...


Dissemination and Piloting Activities by Kütahya Provincial Directorate of the Ministry of National...

The dissemination activities were held starting with the top management of the Kütahya Provincial Directorate of the Ministry of National Education. An executive summary was prepared and shared w...

27.07.2023 12:36:31
Presentation of Digisel project at the University of Zagreb, Croatia 26.07.2023 22:45:18

Presentation of Digisel project at the University of Zagreb, Croatia

The project Digisel is presented at the University of Zagreb to a group of teachers. The presentation was delivered on March 14, 2023 by the team member Ivana Salopek Čubrić. Participants profile...


Digisel Project Dissemination Event by WSB!

Place: Zakład Edukacji Medialnej/Media Education Department, Miedzychodzka 5, Poznan Date: 17.04.2023 Participants:  71 students of pedagogy (4th year) of Pre-school education and Primary ...

27.07.2023 14:29:28
Intellectual Output 3 is completed! 01.08.2023 14:51:07

Intellectual Output 3 is completed!

Developing empathy among students in digital media This output aims to emphasize the importance of empathy in education and teacher-student interactions. Empathetic teachers play a crucial role...


Dissemination Activities by WSB University in Poznan

In April 2022, Dissemination Activities were organized in WSB University in Poznan. During the activities leaflets in Polish were prepared and delivered within the University. The aim of the acti...

27.07.2023 13:35:08
Dissemination and Presentation of Digisel Project by WSB University in Poznan in Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan 27.07.2023 14:21:40

Dissemination and Presentation of Digisel Project by WSB University in Poznan in Adam Mickiewicz Uni...

Information about the DigiSEL project presented in PowerPoint presentation by Agnieszka’s Barwicka within the course:   Psycho-pedagogical aspects of the media, to students of Pedagogy...


Digisel Project Dissemination Event in Kutahya Dumlupinar University

Digisel Project Dissemination Event was held in Kutahya Dumlupinar University Faculty of Education on 30.11.2022. In the event, several presentations were made about Digisel Project by ...

26.07.2023 17:40:31
Presentation of Digisel project at the Ergonomics 2022 Conference held at the University of Zagreb 26.07.2023 22:24:37

Presentation of Digisel project at the Ergonomics 2022 Conference held at the University of Zagreb

The project Digisel is presented to the participants of the Ergonomics 2022 Conference that was organized by the UniZG team members in the period December 7-10, 2022. During the first day of the Confe...


Intellectual Output 2 is completed!

Effective classroom management and inter-personal communication processes in digital media This output aims at promoting online teaching and learning led by primary school teachers. It incorpor...

01.08.2023 14:43:48
Digisel Project Dissemination Event in Kutahya 26.07.2023 15:29:49

Digisel Project Dissemination Event in Kutahya

Digisel Project Dissemination Event was held in Kutahya Dumlupinar University Emet Vocational School on 30.11.2022. In the event, several presentations were made about Digisel Project by Pro...


2nd TPM was held in Spain

2nd Transnational Project Meeting of Digisel Project was organized on 21-22 April 2022 in Barcelona, Spain. M&M Profuture Training S.L. was the host organization. In the meeting the process r...

26.07.2023 21:16:45
Presentation of the Project at the Zagreb International Fair 26.07.2023 22:16:07

Presentation of the Project at the Zagreb International Fair

The Digisel project was presented by UniZG team at the Zagreb International Fair in the framework of BIAM 2022 fair, which took place on April 27-28, 2022. There was a special boot for the presentatio...

26.07.2023 03:06:36
Intellectual Output 1 is completed! 01.08.2023 14:21:36

Intellectual Output 1 is completed!

Module -Improving students' learning capabilities in educational attainment in primary schools   The education system is facing significant challenges due to rapid socio-economic an...


DigiSel Project was presented in ICETOL 2022 to more than 50 Academic Staff

The International Conference on     Educational Technology and Online Learning (ICETOL), which will be held for the second time in Ören, Burhaniye,  Balikesir, Turke...

26.07.2023 18:08:48
DigiSel Project Was Presented To Academic Staff of DPU 26.07.2023 18:06:08

DigiSel Project Was Presented To Academic Staff of DPU

The dissemination event was included into the Project Coordinators‘ Meeting in the International Office. The aim was to introduce the project, and explain the details as a best practice. Many of...


Presentation of Digisel project at the University of Singapore

The project Digisel is presented to employees of the University of Singapore, within the ICNMS conference. The team members Ivana Salopek Čubrić and Goran Čubrić delivered leaflets to the particip...

26.07.2023 22:25:36
Our Newsletter 1 is ready! 26.07.2023 02:35:06

DigiSel Project was presented to 50 Pre-service teachers of Child Care Department

The importance of the family and the role of teachers in the support and development of the child's physical, cognitive, social and emotional development areas as a whole  and as an individua...

26.07.2023 17:59:15
DigiSel Project was presented in MOCAT Project Meeting 26.07.2023 17:54:28

DigiSel Project was presented in MOCAT Project Meeting

The aim was to present the project details and get a feedback from the multidisciplinary perspective. The topic was so interesting and hot for the participants. During the presentation there were some...


1st Transnational Project Meeting

1st Transnational Project Meeting of DigiSel Project was held in Rome, Italy. The aim of this meeting was to give first a brief summary of the project activities done so far and to give informati...

13.02.2022 23:27:34
First Virtual Meeting with DigiSel Project Team 13.02.2022 21:33:58

First Virtual Meeting with DigiSel Project Team

The first project meeting of DigiSel Project was held online because of Covid-19 Pandemic. The meeting was held on 29-30 June 2021 and important details and tasks related to project was discussed in d...


DigiSel Project By Turkish National Agency

Digitally Improving Social and Emotional Skills of Primary School Teachers Project (DigiSel) has been accepted by Turkish National Agency. The project will start on 01.06.2021 and finish on 31.05.2023...

13.02.2022 23:28:45

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